The marriage of the niece of Shri Talchekar was fixed with the prince of indore. Shri Tukojirao Holkar. But he went to England. He did not inquire about it at all. So worried Talchekar brought his niece to the Holy place Shri Nrusinhawadi for the Darshan of Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati Maharaj. He had his darshan with the priest Dattatraya. He conveyed all about to him with the horoscope of his niece Indiraji. Maharaj saw the horoscope and asked him how would marriage take place if there was no Rajyoga (marriage in the royal family) in the horoscope. Indiraji and her Aunt got worried but Pujari was very wise and thoughtful. He asked Maharaj why it could not be when the horoscope was in his hand. He requested him to bless her to have the Rajyog though there might be or not to be fortune of it. He gave Indiraji the Chants – Indrayani Namastubhyam. He asked her to say a rosary of it. She got her reward of it in a month time. Tukojirao sent a letter (She received a letter from Tukojirao). He soon returned to India and got married to her. Maharaj had such type of favour and it makes mind very happy. This incident made Queen (princess) Indira to become a devotee of Maharaj.

After this she visited Mangaon every year. She served in the temple like sweeping and daubing the yard. After becoming Queen (marriage). She would maintain the Temple heartily. She made restoration of Shri Datta Temple on Vaishakh Trayodashi Shake 1860 (13 May 1938). She installed the idols of Shri Datta Maharaj, Shri Goddess Saraswati, Shri Adya Shankaracharya and Shri P. P. Vasudevanand Saraswati at the hands of P. P. Brahmanand Swami of Kashi.

Indirabai used to visit the mausoleum of Shri Swami Maharaj at Garudeshwar. She had formed a trust there .She built a flight of stairs leading down to the river Narmada. Impressed with the management of the Trust, She suggested to form a Trust in Mangaon Datta Temple. Then one of the Trustees at Garudeshwar Dr. Ranjitbhai Bhatta – Surat, Dr. Kanhaiyalal Wani – Ahmedabad Dr.Rameshchandra, Shri Koranne, Muralidhar Joshi – Baroda – all the members visited Mangaon in 1958 to review the situation of the Datta Temple.

All the trustee met the Queen H.H. Indirabai Holkar at Indore and told her about the management of Dattamandir Mangaon. They told her that due to lack of funds, it was very difficult for them to form a trust. Immediately H.H.Indirabai put the shares Rs 22,000/- at the feet of Swami Maharaj and handed the amount over to the trustees. She requested them to go to Mangaon immediately and start the management of the trust of the Datta Temple through the interest of the amount Accordingly Dr. Ranjeetbhai Bhatta and Vaidya Patwardhan saheb registered the name as “Shri Datta Temple Mangaon” on 13th May 1961,at the registar office Mumbai. Then the Garudeshwar board of Brahmins in the neighbouring Villages areas, Trustees would visit Mangaon every year to see the management on the request of late Vishnu Pandurang Mangaonkar and late Vaidya Janardan Shripad Ganpatye. The Mumbai based devotee and son of Naneli Village late Shri Pandurang Jiwaji Khandalekar of (Manufacturer) of Nilgiri oil) donated to build five rooms for the devotees.

Then the trust formed a committee. It included late Maharao Ranganekar and Shri Kamalakar Vishwanath Sadhale( Manohar Bhau). This local committee started the devotional functions like Aarati (Prayer and Praise), revolution, Palanguin Festival was celebrated on Vadya Panchami (The day of the Birth – anniversary of Swamiji) every month excluding Chaturmas. This festival is known as “Shibikotsaa”. Shibika means Palanguin.) the local committee collected (Gathered) the brahmins in the area and the devotees of Swamiji and would complete the jobs like making the land levelled and polished, making yards, and their borders daubing the land, erecting Pandals etc they would contribute money so paise (Eight Annas) for the light, and oil and brass lamps. Every month.

Seven days before the anniversary of temple restoration (Vaishakh Shuddha 13), the local committee, with the co-operation of devotees and the priests (learned brahmins) started the “Nam Saptah” (continual chanting for a week) of the chant “Digambara Digambara Shripad Vallabh Digambara” for this festival.
By bigging alms Bhandara Samaradhana cooking and offering) was performeon the Eight day. In this work with the members of the local committee Swami Padgaonkar, Narayanrao Bhosale Shankar Tamanekar, Bhise, Kanekar, Saba Dhuri, Babu Dhuri Village Headmen, Daji Mestry Kudatarkar, Korgaonkar, Bhartu, Bhise, Pednekar etc. people from Bazarwadi, and devotees from Taliwadi would play a big role in this Namsaptah.

Since 1970, p.p Nandodkar Swami started to visit here. He installed the beaten gold on the capston of the Datta Temple. He installed the holy Footprints of Shri Swami Maharaj at his Birth-Place. He would arrange a Yagya every year thousands of devotees started coming to Mangaon. He restored the old Charitable rest house and performed House-warming cermony in 1976 on Vaishakh Shukla Saptami. When his work was over, the next day he passed away.

Since 1977 one Yagya is arranged here every year. Three day Yagyotsava (festival of yagya) is celebrated from Gurupratipada. Thousands of devotees participate in this festival, with the inspiration and contribution of the Chairman of the committee Shri Vittal Yashwant Alias Abaji Bandekar, the trust is improving its Management. In 1996, the bhaktinivas (Charitable rest house-rooms for the devotees)with 21 Rooms was built in 2002 Swamiji’s birth place was renovated. Annapurna Bhavan (Building for having Mahaprasad –Holy Lunch / Dinner after the offering ) was built. In 2007 the trust has decided to build (A building) near the birth place building a school for learning Vedas (Vedpathshala) and building for the residence of the priest and a cottage for the hermits by the grance of Swami Maharaj and with the co-operation of the generous donors like you, all the buildings are nearing completion.
Maharaj is still in form of spirit and sowl in Mangaon thought he had left Mangaon and was absorbed in meditation he is giving his realization (Experience) to the devotees coming to Mangaon, Praying sholehearfed ly to him the Birthplace of Maharaj is the origin ans source Shri Datta Sampradaya (Denomination.) as like small springs streams and rivers meet the Ocean. All the Saints Sages, Hermits and ascetics visit Mangaon regurarly.