
Kudal Station Zarap Station Sawantwadi Station
15 KM 8 KM 23 KM
02362 – 222604 02362 – 232323 02363 – 258315
If you want to come Shree Datta Mandir From Kudal you may come by autoriksha or by six-seater if you come by S.T.stop at Shree Datta Mandir bus stop. From there Datta Mandir 0.5 Km far. If you get dawn at Zarap Railway Station from there Datta Mandir is 8 km far from zarap Railway station Mumbai-Goa Highway is ½ km far from there you can get an Auto-Riksha or six-seater get then bus by it you can come to Mangaon Datta Mandir. From sawantwadi railway station come to sawantwadi S.T.stand from station S.T stand is 8.km from there you may get six-seater,or bus by it you may come to Mangaon Datt Mandir.

By Bus

Kudal S.T Stand Sawantwadi S.T Stand Kankavali S.T Stand
14 KM 13 KM 50 KM
02362 – 222422 02363 – 272011 02363 – 222239
While coming from Kankavli to Kudal you have to come via Zarap,and from Sawantwadi to Mangaon distance is given up. From 3 or 6 seater or by bus you may come to Mangaon.

Air Ways

Dabholi Airport (Phone : 0832 – 2540806) : Vasco (Dabholi)- from Goa airport come to Swawantwadi. Vasco airport to sawantwadi distance is 77 K.M.