सुंदरते गांव सुंदरते स्थान ।। तेथे माझे मन राहे सदा ।।१।।
पश्चिमे सागर पूर्वे सह्यगिरी ।। मध्ये सिंधुदुर्ग भूमी भाग ।।२।।
दक्षिण भागात माणगांव क्षेत्र ।। निर्मला पवित्र वाहे तेथे ।।३।।
पर्वत राजीत निर्झर वाहती ।। वृक्षांची ती दाटी काय वर्णू ।।४।।
तेथे यतिराज वासुदेव राहे ।। उभा मागे आहे दत्तात्रेय ।।५।।

A beautiful place and Village, My mind always stays there..
Sea to the Westside and Sahyadri ranges to the East Side.
My Sindhudurg is between, Holy place Mangaon is in the south,
Sacred Nirmala river flows there.. Fountains (Brooks) in the Mountains,
How to describe the thick grove of the trees… Yatiraj Vasudev dwells there,
Lord Datta is standing behind, Blessing Him

While Reverend (Paramhans Parivrajkacharya) Vasudevanand Sarasvati was returning to Mangaon from Narasobawadi, as per the order of Lord Dattaprabhu, one of his devotees presented Swamiji an idol. It was brought to Mangaon. The question arose where to erect the Temple. A widow in Mangaon offered (donated) her piece of land for the Temple. With the help of people, Swamiji built a small Temple within Eight days and installed an idol of Lord Datta here. The Day was Vaishakh Shuddha 5,Shake 1805.Lord Dattaprabhu Stayed In Mangaon Temple for 7 Years with Samiji. And They continue to live (Dwell) to day also in form of Soul & Spirit.

This Datta Temple was restored by one of the devotees of Swameeji H.H.Maharani Indirabai Holkar on May 12,1938. (Vaishkh Shuddha Trayodashi). The design and structure style of the Temple is like Hemadpanth. In the nave She has designed and arranged the marble idol of Lord Trio-God Datta, Seated idol of Swamiji, Goggess Saraswati, Aadyashankaracharya. There is spacious hall in front of the nave.

In the hall, there is the idol of Lord Ganesh near the entrance. In the nave there are Trio-Headed marble idol of Lord Dattaprabhu. Reverend Tembye Swamiji’s seated idol, and idols of Aadyashankaracharya.. Goddess Saraswati, idol for festival of Lord Datta (One Headed). Reverend Nandodkar Swami Maharaj, who had started Gurupratipada festival and set beaten gold on the capstone of the Temple, his memorial Temple is in front of Datta Temple.

A small house is built by restoring Swamiji’s birth place. It had become too old and the present (current) trustees have restored it. The then chairman Reverend Shri Abaji Bandekar and other members have installed the idol of Swamiji suited to his height. The idea behind this is that Swamiji is about to set out to go to the Datta Temple-ahead. We can see the only standing idol of Swamiji. Like Swamiji this is the Birthplace of His brother Reverend Brahmayogi Seetaram Maharaj.Here you will see a beautiful photograph (Portrait) Of Seetaram Maharaj

Swamiji’s wife Mrs.Annapurnabai’s mausoleum is at Gangakhed- the holy place in Parabhani District,Maharashtra. The place is newly constructed (renewalled) / (renovated).The holy footprints of Mother Annapurnabai have been installed on a stone. Same type of Foot prints are installed at Swamiji’s Birthplace. In the hall there are the portraits of Swamiji’s disciples. They have been set up on the walls. The Swamiji’s Life story(biography) in form pictures has been depicted on the revolution route (way).

There is a huge building near the Swamiji’s Birthplace. There is also a building for the Yati’s residency. A Hall is constructed for the devotees to listen to the holy talks of the ascetics.

There a well reconstructed with stones by H.H.Maharani Indirabai Holkar. There is an Audumbar (Big Fig) . Tree near the Datta Temple of that time. There are two wooden pillars set up both sides of the Temple. The evil spirits would stick to the pillars and tell Swamiji about their wishes and leave the place. Swamiji would help the devotees to get rid of them.

There are holy footprints of Lord Datta, installed under Audumbar (Fig Tree) Tree by Swamiji. And Swamiji’s Yogachinhakit Holy Footprints are also installed. And also the idol of Lord Maruti which is west-oriented installed in memory of Ajarekarbuva.