The number of Devotees are visiting Mangaon Datta temple increasingly because of the Blessings,experiences of fulfilment and realisation of Swamiji .Also they are visiting Mangaon for Annualfestivals on a large scale.

The existing Dining Hall was inadequate so a new spacious hall was under taken in 2004 and was completed within 5 years. Now 500 devotees in the lower hall and 1000 devotees in upper hall can take their holy lunch or Dinner at one time. The ground floor of the same building consists of a well equipped office and Annadan (Giving food) hall. There is a hall for the office of the Trustees and the rituals of Mounji bandhan(Upnayn) Shanti. Also bathrooms ,toilets and (accommodation) rooms are available.

The Building is named after the Swamiji’s wife Annapurna as “The Annapurna Bhavan”

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